Smarter assessment solutions to improve the way you select & hire top talent.
Identify, select & develop exceptional leaders with our leadership assessment options.
We offer a wide-range of BPS-Accredited psychometric training courses.
Dynamic development tools enabling you to develop individuals & build better teams.
Our market-leading personality questionnaire, suitable for a wide range of roles & individuals.
Our sales effectiveness toolkit enables you to identify & develop successful salespeople for your organization.
Find out more about Saville Assessment; who we are and what we do.
We offer a number of different ways of administering our assessments, depending on the scope and aims of your project.
We are always on the lookout for people with the passion and drive to make a difference – check out our current vacancies.
See all the latest news, articles, research & events from Saville Assessment.
Take a look at some of the recent projects we have successfully delivered for our clients.
本頁旨在說明如何填寫 Match 6.5 問卷。本問卷要求您就自己在工作上的行為表現提供相關資訊。研究顯示 Saville Assessment Wave® 問卷能有效預測各種工作表現和行為。
本問卷以六項陳述為一組顯示,您需要利用九分制評級對每項陳述評分(1 代表「非常強烈地不同意」,9 代表「非常強烈地同意」)。請對每項陳述選擇合適的評分。您必須回答每一項陳述才能繼續到下一個部分。