Övnings- och förberedelseråd

Varför används lämplighetstest?

Arbetsgivare använder ofta lämplighetstest som en del av den urvalsprocess som tillämpas vid val och utveckling av personalstyrkan. Forskning har visat att de är kraftfulla prediktorer när det gäller arbetsprestation.

Webbaserade övningstest

Svara på realistiskt tidsbegränsade exempelfrågor genom att klicka på den relevanta länken nedan.

Medan du gör övningstestet kan du svara på frågorna hur många gånger du vill. För att få tillgång till ett övningstest efter att du har tryckt på knappen Avsluta, klicka på länken igen.

Du kommer att få feedback på alla svar du ger. Syftet med övningstestet är att öva upp din förståelse för testformatet och din förmåga att arbeta under strikta tidsbegränsningar.

Exempelfrågornas svårighetsgrad representerar inte nödvändigtvis det faktiska testets svårighetsgrad.

Why is my password not working?

Check that you are copying and pasting it correctly. Have you logged in previously and changed the password from the original numerical one?

I started the aptitude test and pressed the ‘Back’ button / tried to come out of the test. I am getting a message suggesting I contact Support as I need to be reset – What do I do?

Contact support at [email protected]. Permission will be required from the test administrator for the project and then your test can be reset. You will be able to complete again from the beginning. No previous responses will be saved.

How can I get my results?

The test results are sent to the trained feedback provider who will contact you to discuss.

Will I receive my report(s)?

Your reports will be sent to the project administrator (qualified user) who can distribute them at their discretion.

I am completing a 360 questionnaire and have marked the ratings the wrong way around. How can I go back to correct?

Please contact [email protected] for a reset.

When is the completion deadline for my assessments?

The project manager will have the deadline. However, if you email [email protected] with your details, they will be able to find out for you.

Can I log in to Oasys outside of Saville Assessment’s working hours?

Yes, however the support team will not be available to help with any difficulties outside of these hours.

If you have any other questions please feel free to give us a call on +44 (0)20 8619 9006 or email [email protected]


For the best experience, we recommend downloading the newest version of your preferred browser. We support current and previous stable versions of all browsers with a reasonable amount of market share, with the exception of Internet Explorer which is no longer supported.


The optimum display setting will be dependent on the assessment that you are completing and the selected device. For aptitude assessments:
  • For desktop users we recommend a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
  • For tablet users, whilst our assessments are compatible with most tablet devices, please ensure your device is compatible and you can read the text clearly prior to attempting to complete the assessment.
  • Access is not permitted on mobile phones (with the exception of Swift Comprehension Verbal & Numerical Aptitude, Swift Global Aptitude and the Workplace English Proficiency Tests).
For questionnaires:
  • Most mobile phones, tablets and desktops are compatible.
  • If you cannot read the instructions clearly please use an alternative device with a larger screen.

Internet Access

A reliable internet connection is required and a download bandwidth of 3Mbps or higher is recommended.


JavaScript is a scripting language that works primarily on web pages. Our assessments require that JavaScript is enabled. How to enable javascript in a web browser?

PDF Assessment Reports

PDF assessment reports can be opened in supported browsers or using PDF reader software. Adobe Acrobat Reader download is available free from Adobe.

If you have any other questions please feel free to give us a call on +44 (0)20 8619 9006 or email [email protected]