Wave® Professional & Wave Focus Styles Questionnaires

The most powerful predictors of workplace performance and potential.

Utilizing powerful technology, research and data, the Wave Professional & Focus Styles Personality Questionnaires provide unrivalled solutions for smarter hiring and development. Both questionnaires generate a suite of reports, accessible to a range of business stakeholders for a consistent and aligned talent strategy.

Dive Deeper Into What Matters

Our flagship questionnaires are built on behaviors that are proven to be the strongest predictors of workplace performance and potential.

Unlock An Individual’s True Potential

Each questionnaire intuitively interacts with the user, providing unparalleled insight alongside unrivalled accuracy.

Our next-generation talent platform Wave Connect unlocks the data from our Wave personality questionnaires with dynamic dashboards, ensuring you identify the right people for the right roles.

Wave connect dashboard on a laptop

Wave Professional and Focus Styles Reports

The Wave Professional Styles Questionnaire takes 35 minutes for candidates to complete and generates a suite of over 20 reports.

The Wave Focus Styles Questionnaire takes 13 minutes for candidates to complete and generates a suite of over 10 reports.

These reports are generated based on an individual’s responses and provide detailed insight into a candidate’s personality, talents and motives. Reports can be tailored to reflect organizational competencies, leadership frameworks and values.

Take a look through the reports below that are generated from our Wave Professional Styles and Focus Styles Questionnaires.

Wave-trained users can also take advantage of a range of Expert Reports that include powerful report combinations at extremely cost-effective rates.

Reveal a Richer Level of Information

The flagship Expert Reports available from Wave Professional & Focus Styles explore personality at depths others simply don’t offer.

Skills potential profile report page on an ipad

“Saville have produced a range of Wave reports that are truly innovative and insightful.”

virgin media logo

Find Out More

If you would like to know more about either Wave Professional or Wave Focus Styles, our team will be happy to discuss the right option for you and get your project started.

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The Surprising Truth About Self-Assessment

We learned a lot about the value of self-reporting during the two years we spent developing Wave.


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