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6 Group

Assessing and identifying leaders for a newly-formed leadership team

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6 Group are a leading executive search and leadership assessment company.  

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The Challenge

6 Group were working with a European Energy Company to put together a new leadership team.

They carried out assessments with:

50 CEOs, CFOs, Heads of Marketing, HR and Digital Experts across nine different business groups in 6 countries. 

As well as assessing leaders, a key aspect of the program was to also ensure that the process provided a developmental opportunity for the individual participants.

The Solution

6 Group combined Wave® Professional Styles Expert report and Leadership Risk report to explore the individual drivers, leadership style and potential risk areas of each of the leaders.

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The reports were used in conjunction with one-to one validation and development sessions to identify leaders who were most aligned to what the organization required from their leaders, both now and in the future.

Additionally, the reports provided a platform to design personalized
development initiatives for those leaders, depending on their leadership style.

Benefits To The Organization

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The dual combination of the instrument and validation sessions increased the objectivity of the process and gave a lens to candidate potential in line with organizational requirements.

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The end client was delighted with the result and consequently commissioned similar projects for a further 80 executives.

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Those that were not chosen for that role all assumed roles in the new organization linked to their overall strengths and areas that would have the greatest positive impact on both the organization and their careers.

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Of the 50 cohort, 6 Group were able to identify the top 10 leaders for the newly-formed division.

The universal feedback has been that our participants have never had such detailed feedback that isn’t just linked to labelling as a ‘type’ of person.

Managing Director – 6 Group

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