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Global Technology Firm

Auditing internal leadership pipeline and identifying future board members

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The Challenge

The leadership team at a traditional organization had a need to innovate in order to survive.

They needed to identify successors for their board who were all due to retire in the next five to 10 years.

The Solution

The organization implemented our Leadership Impact Framework which focuses on the nine key impact areas in which leaders need to achieve results.

This model helped the incumbent board members and other key
stakeholders to determine the key characteristics future board
members would need.

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70 leaders completed the Wave® behavioral questionnaire to establish each leader’s ‘potential’ against key leadership criteria. Each leader was also assessed by line manager ratings to establish ‘performance’ against the same criteria.

Analysis of data determined those leaders who were ‘high performing and high potential’ in relation to future executive leadership requirements.

Benefits To The Organization

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The introduction of the Wave assessment and validation helped identify talent not previously on the radar and diminish opportunity for bias in decision making.

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An indepth audit of the leadership talent pipeline was undertaken; understanding strengths of future leaders, what internal talent was required and where external talent maybe required.

Leaders identified by this process, including those who “were not previously on the radar”, were placed on an intensive development program.

The process introduced tangible and objective criteria to help the organization understand their talent pipelines and plan realistically for their future board requirements.

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