Leadership Risk

The Leadership Risk report helps you identify a leader’s unique risk areas. Development tips are provided on how to mitigate their repercussions on the individual, organization and culture.

Generated from our Wave® Professional Styles personality questionnaire, the report enhances self-awareness and drives powerful leadership development.

Where Does Risk Impact?

The Organization

What impact could leadership risk have on organizational outcomes?

The Culture

What influence could leadership risk have on employee attraction, retention and engagement?

The Individual

What effect could risk factors have on an individual leader’s reputation and career?

The Leadership Risk model identifies 9 key risk areas

Professional Risk

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Places emphasis on perfecting the finer details which may result in missing critical elements of the bigger picture.

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Follows the rules rigorously and is cautious about making decisions which could result in missed opportunities.

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Looks to spot potential problems which could be perceived as negative and may discourage important contributions.

People Risk

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Favors accommodating the wishes of others, which may result in agreeing to actions not in the organization’s best interest.

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Works individually and is unlikely to consult with others, which could lead to actions which take little account of other parts of the organization.

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Prefers to interact regularly and prone to being socially dominant, which may result in other people’s views being overshadowed.

Pioneering Risk

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Comes up with alternative ideas and seeks to do things differently, which could disrupt productivity.

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Prefers to seek new opportunities and push boundaries, which may lead to unnecessary risk.

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Prefers not to feel constrained by timescales and takes actions which may cause a constant state of flux.

Find out more in this short video

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Leadership Risk Report

The highly-visual leadership risk report helps leaders to take individual actions to mitigate their personal leadership risks. The report is used to:

leadership risk mockup

Leadership Risk Toolkit

Measure and mitigate risk with our end-to-end leadership risk toolkit, complete with workshop facilitation materials.


Use the Leadership Risk interactive Card Deck to identify where individuals may pose potential risk and where executive teams could bring organizational risk.


Use the Leadership Risk report powered by Wave Professional Styles to highlight an individual’s potential risk to an organization, the culture or themselves.


Enhance self-awareness and deploy powerful coaching activity to strategically minimize risk with the Leadership Risk report.


Use Risk Analytics to evaluate the collective risk posed by senior teams, how they can work together more effectively and what you might need from future leaders.

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leadership risk mockup

Report is generated from an individual’s responses to our Wave Professional Styles questionnaire (35-minute completion) and is available via our assessment platform Oasys or our Bureau Service.

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Leadership Risk is being used globally by organizations to transform their approach to leadership – check out the client success stories below:

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Global Healthcare & Biopharmaceuticals Consulting Firm

Development of a new European leadership team.

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UK Technology & Services Provider

Understanding & developing leaders to deliver organizational transformation.

“Participants have never had such detailed feedback, that isn’t just linked to labelling them as a ‘type’ of person.”

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Get Started Today

Our team will be happy to discuss how Leadership Risk can work for you and provide an example report.

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Request a Demo or
Example Report